Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time Always Flies Faster Than We'd Like

While I was working today, I began to think about life. I realized how much time has just flown by. It seems like just the other day, summer had started and now, we have a week left till our time alloted for the project will come to an end. I didn't realize almost a month had gone by. I'm not sure that we will be able to finish before then. I plan to stick around to help out as much as I can.

On a better note, we have been throwing around ideas for the next project. Some look promising, but I hope more people come up with brilliant ideas. I, myself, have been trying to get inspired. I have recently learned that inspiration can come in the most unexpected ways. I was recently inspired by a lava cake when a friend and I went out to dinner. More about that in the future. I'm hoping to go somewhere with that. But I am still trying to find a short story to inspire me for a new project idea. They are trying to make a short that is less than three minutes and has three or less characters. Nothing has come to me yet, but there is still time to think.

Well, that's all for now. Just some quick advice to leave you on from my own experiences: No matter what you are doing in life, make sure to do it to the best of your ability. Even if you do not think it will get you anywhere in life, still do it the best you can.

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