Friday, December 10, 2010

Movie Review - Tangled (May Contain Spoilers)

Hey everybody! I was so excited to see Tangled and finally was able to during my Thanksgiving break. It was just as exciting as I was hoping to be. I loved it! I have actually seen it twice already, once in 2D and the other time in 3D. It was good either way. The second time seeing it, I was able to go with the whole animation department and afterwards received insight into the movie from my former teacher and now Disney employee. That actually made that movie all the better.
The animation in the movie was fantastic. Some of the best animation in a 3D movie. It was snappy and flowing and beautiful. There may have been a couple scenes that weren't as great, but for the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some of the scenes there were no talking but you could tell exactly what the character was thinking by the subtle expressions on their faces. The story was also very good. It kept me entertained the whole time. I never felt myself drifting. I loved every moment. My favorite scene by far was the lantern scene. It took my breath away even the second time seeing it. The colors were beautiful, the song was one of my favorites in the whole movie, and you could really tell what the characters were thinking.
All the characters in the movie were fantastic. Each character had their own personality that was dynamic unto themselves and was able to keep me engaged. Each of the characters had a special relationship to one another that made for really great moments.
What I really loved about the movie was that Disney was to make a movie that did not include stupid innuendoes and inappropriate sexual humor. All the humor was clean and I personally appreciate it. Some other movies make you wonder if it is truly meant to be a children's movie. I know they want to make it enjoyable for the adults too, but to me, it is unnecessary. They didn't do the opposite either and put in jokes that are cheesy that only 10 year olds could laugh at. Disney found a way to be clean and appropriate for all ages. I think that almost anyone can enjoy Tangled.
There were a couple parts of the movie I thought could use some change, but for the most part, I really loved it. I would mind going to watch it a third time. I recommend this to anyone young or old. A great family film. SO WATCH IT!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Some Compositing

Just thought I would share some stuff I have been doing in my compositing class. I enjoyed this project. Took a long time to do though. There were a lot of things that ended up giving me some trouble. When shooting it, I did not really think about blurriness of the fast motions. But it came out pretty good none the less. There are quite a bit of places that could use some polishing but all in all, not too bad.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


HI folks! I entered a photo contest the other day. I would really love some votes please. Check it out here:


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sweet Caricatures

I was on one of my many journeys through deviantart and came across this guy who does awesome caricatures. Here is a link to more of his drawings: AnthonyGeoffroy's Gallery. I really love his style. He takes the faces he draws to real extremes. I really need to learn how to draw better caricatures. It would help me out a lot in my character design and drawing skills. He has some great stuff. Check him out.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Back with a Movie Review

Hey everybody! Sorry I have been away for sooooo long. School has me running everywhere, but I love it all the same.

Last weekend, I was finally able to watch "Despicable Me". I know its been out for awhile, but I never got a chance to see it. But now I have seen it and all is right in the world. I give it a 4 star out of 5. The story was great, but it did not have as much out of this world effects or rendering and whatnot. Basically, not as much eye candy for us animators. But as for the story, it was fantastic. It had its funny moments, action sequences, and by the end, you feel really warm and fuzzy inside. I can't ask for more in a story. Plus, the animation was spot on. The character design was pretty good too. I loved the minions. I think everybody does. Good job Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment.

So, in conclusion, I say, if you get the chance, go watch it. This is one I would like to own.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Blog to Check Out:

I found a blog that I recommend checking out. It is called "Animation Backgrounds". The name describes it all. Uploads of beautiful backgrounds from different animated films, from Disney to Hanna Barbara. Some really nice work. After looking through them, I feel like doing some illustrations. If only I were that good. Anyways, here's the link:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Geeking Out

I just want to say, if anyone would like to make this for me, they are more than welcome. I so geeked out when I saw it. I wish I was talented enough to make one for myself.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Back with a Book Review

Hey all! I just got back from my three week vacation. Spent some time back at home, went to South Carolina for a week, and then did some site seeing down in Tennessee with my family. It has been fun and now I am glad to be back at school. Over my little hiatus, I was doing some more sketches for "Project Ninja". Hopefully I will post some of that up later.

I also read a really good book while I was traveling. Its called "The Pixar Touch" by David Price. A friend of mine gave it to me for a birthday present and I thought that I would probably never actually read it. I'm not an active reader, especially when it comes to history books. But I found myself reading it one morning. Started by just looking at the pictures and reading the captions. But one of the captions made me curious so I read a chapter in the middle about Monsters, Inc. Then I was hooked. Went back to the beginning and read the whole thing. It was really interesting and I learned a lot. The book takes you from the beginning of Ed Catmull's career to the making of Ratatouille. So I recommend it anyone interested in animation or just in Pixar. Even if you actually aren't that into reading. Cause I know I'm not.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Inspiring Words

“Get a good idea, and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done, and done right.”

- Walt Disney

I found this quote while I was on facebook today. I like it. I have started so many projects and haven't stayed with them at all. I just have some half started projects and some wasted time. I need to learn to stick with my ideas and get them done. And done in they way I had envisioned them being.

Sketch of the Week

This week I decided to show a page in my sketch book. I wasn't doing anything specific, just doodling. But I really like how these 2 sketches came out (not the turtle or balloon - those can be ignored). I was trying some stylized hair on the horse and liked it. The guys face didn't turn out too bad either.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Old School Stuff

So I was watching Sinbad the other day and started thinking about how awesome Dreamworks' 2D animation used to be. I feel kind of sad cause I don't think they ever get as much attention as the Disney movies. I love Sinbad, Road to El Dorado, and Spirit. I love the style they had and their animation was right on. It was beautiful and they had great stories. So I want Dreamworks to go back and do some more awesome 2D animation. Just one, for old times sake. Disney did it. I loved it.

Of course, that probably won't ever happen because all people want now-a-days is 3D, 3D, 3D. Which, don't get me wrong, I love 3D as well. How to Train Your Dragon was awesome! Much better than the Shrek movies in my opinion. But I really miss the good old 2D. Being able to make a drawings come to life is one of the most inspiring things to me. The animators who are able to do 2D animation are some of the most talented people. And I wish more people would realize that. People just don't know what they are missing.

So maybe one day, they will realize how awesome 2D can be and more 2D features will be made. One Day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sketch of the Week

Here is the sketch of the week! I think I am getting better at posting. Maybe. Anyways. This is a sketch from a personal project I am working on. It is going to be about a ninja. The dog is another character in the short. I have just been doing up concept sketches and here is one. Also my favorite.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tangled Teaser Trailer

I am so excited for this movie on so many levels!!! I love disney! I love animation! I love Zachary Levi! and my former teacher left teaching because he got hired by Disney to work on this film! Woot! I can't wait til it comes out!

Sketch of the Week

Sorry I haven't uploaded anything in awhile. I know its a little late but here is the sketch of the week. His name is Henry Rothchild III. I drew him for sculpture class, though, I was never able to actually sculpt him. I like him none the less. And maybe one day I will do something with him.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sketch of the Week

I have decided to share my favorite sketches from the previous week. The sketch this time is just a simple little sketch I did in my notebook I have to take notes of my animation. Hence why there is a lot of writing around it. I have found that if I get a little stuck on my animation, it helps if I step away for a minute or two and take a walk or do a little doodle. Then when I come back to it, I have fresh eyes. Anyways, just thought it was a cute little robot and so I decided to share. And I'll try to upload a favorite sketch every week.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nice Quote

"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are." - Roy Disney

I found this quote at work one day in our calendar. Not only do I admire Roy Disney, but I also like this quote because it is true. You should always have a set moral standard. I think that in life, you will be happy with your decisions when you have values that you stick to. It will help you not regret the decisions that you make. Food for thought.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time Always Flies Faster Than We'd Like

While I was working today, I began to think about life. I realized how much time has just flown by. It seems like just the other day, summer had started and now, we have a week left till our time alloted for the project will come to an end. I didn't realize almost a month had gone by. I'm not sure that we will be able to finish before then. I plan to stick around to help out as much as I can.

On a better note, we have been throwing around ideas for the next project. Some look promising, but I hope more people come up with brilliant ideas. I, myself, have been trying to get inspired. I have recently learned that inspiration can come in the most unexpected ways. I was recently inspired by a lava cake when a friend and I went out to dinner. More about that in the future. I'm hoping to go somewhere with that. But I am still trying to find a short story to inspire me for a new project idea. They are trying to make a short that is less than three minutes and has three or less characters. Nothing has come to me yet, but there is still time to think.

Well, that's all for now. Just some quick advice to leave you on from my own experiences: No matter what you are doing in life, make sure to do it to the best of your ability. Even if you do not think it will get you anywhere in life, still do it the best you can.

Monday, May 24, 2010

TOY STORY 3: "Look on the Sunnyside" Online Featurette

I'm on a Pixar role tonight, please forgive. But, I really enjoyed this video. I am so super excited about Toy Story 3! Can't wait til it comes out next month!

Interesting Article

I found an article on the Wired Magazine website. It talks about the Pixar Studios and what is put into making a feature (specifically, Toy Story 3). Its pretty interesting. Here is the link: .

Of course, this led me to google the Pixar Studios and that lead me to another web page. This one featured 10 super cool offices. Pixar was top of the list. Oh how I would love to work there! Anyways, here is the link to that one:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little Update...

Things are going well on our project. I finished 2 of my shots the other day. Nothing feels better than getting the okay on a shot. I had been working on one of the shots for quite some time and so it felt real good to finally be done with it. There comes a point when you are working on a project that begin hating everything you do. That shot was that way for me. I like to step away for a while and come back to get fresh eyes. My little weekend at home was able to do that for me. I was able to come back renewed and get it done. It is also easier to get things done when I don't have other classes to worry about. I like working during the summer because I am able to get so much more done. It makes me feel really accomplished.

I got a new shot and hopefully will finish that shot in a day or 2. I can't wait to see one of my shots when they get rendered. It will be awesome!

Well, that's all I have for now. I will post again soon.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Something from me

Self Portrait in Cartoon by ~lhhusky07 on deviantART

I just thought I would share a little something I did. Just a quick sketch I had doodled in class and then did up in illustrator in some free time I had found. Its just a mini self portrait.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

David Colman Character Design Video

I like to watch character design videos on youtube sometimes. This is a really good one. David Colman teaches classes on character design and has also written books. I've actually been wanting to buy is book on animal character design. He's a really great artist and this video has a lot of great advice for anyone interested in Character design. This is a link to part one. You can find part 2 and other videos he has upload on his youtube page: . Enjoy! I did!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm Back

Hello again. I just got back from Ohio. I took a mini vacation after the semester to reset my brain. Now I am back and ready to get back into animation!

Yesterday we had our first day on the project and it went pretty smoothly. Great environment and great people to work with. Right now I am just finishing up some shots from last semester. But after a while, I am going to be in charge of a team of my own. I'll be supervising some animation on cycles of walking, clapping, ect. for the crowd. I am super excited and glad to know my teacher has this much faith in me to lead them.

Well, thats all for now. I'll be back!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Awesome Blog

I found the most awesome blog. A lot of great character work. A lot of them made me laugh because they were just so awesome. The twilight ones were hilarious (especially since I am in no way a fan of the movies). Check it out:

A bit about me...

Hi and welcome to my blog. I created this blog to share some of the things that inspire me. I also wanted to share some of my own artwork and experiences as I make my way through college and then out into the real world.

Right now I am studying character animation. I am at the end of my junior year, so I have only one more year left as a student. It is scary and exciting all at the same time. I'm sure as I wrap up my senior year it will get even scarier. But as for right now, I am enjoying the time I spend with my fellow classmates and teachers.

This summer I am going to be working on my school's animation project. They have been working on an 8 minutes short for more than 3 years now, but we hope to finish it up this summer. I am really excited to see the finished project. It is going to be great to see the fruits of our labors. We have been able to render 2 small shots already and they look awesome. I can't wait to see one of the shots I've animated all rendered out. Check out the blog: .

Well, that is all for now. I will try to post some more stuff later. Thanks for checking out my blog. Tune in again!