Monday, May 31, 2010

Sketch of the Week

I have decided to share my favorite sketches from the previous week. The sketch this time is just a simple little sketch I did in my notebook I have to take notes of my animation. Hence why there is a lot of writing around it. I have found that if I get a little stuck on my animation, it helps if I step away for a minute or two and take a walk or do a little doodle. Then when I come back to it, I have fresh eyes. Anyways, just thought it was a cute little robot and so I decided to share. And I'll try to upload a favorite sketch every week.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nice Quote

"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are." - Roy Disney

I found this quote at work one day in our calendar. Not only do I admire Roy Disney, but I also like this quote because it is true. You should always have a set moral standard. I think that in life, you will be happy with your decisions when you have values that you stick to. It will help you not regret the decisions that you make. Food for thought.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time Always Flies Faster Than We'd Like

While I was working today, I began to think about life. I realized how much time has just flown by. It seems like just the other day, summer had started and now, we have a week left till our time alloted for the project will come to an end. I didn't realize almost a month had gone by. I'm not sure that we will be able to finish before then. I plan to stick around to help out as much as I can.

On a better note, we have been throwing around ideas for the next project. Some look promising, but I hope more people come up with brilliant ideas. I, myself, have been trying to get inspired. I have recently learned that inspiration can come in the most unexpected ways. I was recently inspired by a lava cake when a friend and I went out to dinner. More about that in the future. I'm hoping to go somewhere with that. But I am still trying to find a short story to inspire me for a new project idea. They are trying to make a short that is less than three minutes and has three or less characters. Nothing has come to me yet, but there is still time to think.

Well, that's all for now. Just some quick advice to leave you on from my own experiences: No matter what you are doing in life, make sure to do it to the best of your ability. Even if you do not think it will get you anywhere in life, still do it the best you can.

Monday, May 24, 2010

TOY STORY 3: "Look on the Sunnyside" Online Featurette

I'm on a Pixar role tonight, please forgive. But, I really enjoyed this video. I am so super excited about Toy Story 3! Can't wait til it comes out next month!

Interesting Article

I found an article on the Wired Magazine website. It talks about the Pixar Studios and what is put into making a feature (specifically, Toy Story 3). Its pretty interesting. Here is the link: .

Of course, this led me to google the Pixar Studios and that lead me to another web page. This one featured 10 super cool offices. Pixar was top of the list. Oh how I would love to work there! Anyways, here is the link to that one:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little Update...

Things are going well on our project. I finished 2 of my shots the other day. Nothing feels better than getting the okay on a shot. I had been working on one of the shots for quite some time and so it felt real good to finally be done with it. There comes a point when you are working on a project that begin hating everything you do. That shot was that way for me. I like to step away for a while and come back to get fresh eyes. My little weekend at home was able to do that for me. I was able to come back renewed and get it done. It is also easier to get things done when I don't have other classes to worry about. I like working during the summer because I am able to get so much more done. It makes me feel really accomplished.

I got a new shot and hopefully will finish that shot in a day or 2. I can't wait to see one of my shots when they get rendered. It will be awesome!

Well, that's all I have for now. I will post again soon.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Something from me

Self Portrait in Cartoon by ~lhhusky07 on deviantART

I just thought I would share a little something I did. Just a quick sketch I had doodled in class and then did up in illustrator in some free time I had found. Its just a mini self portrait.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

David Colman Character Design Video

I like to watch character design videos on youtube sometimes. This is a really good one. David Colman teaches classes on character design and has also written books. I've actually been wanting to buy is book on animal character design. He's a really great artist and this video has a lot of great advice for anyone interested in Character design. This is a link to part one. You can find part 2 and other videos he has upload on his youtube page: . Enjoy! I did!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm Back

Hello again. I just got back from Ohio. I took a mini vacation after the semester to reset my brain. Now I am back and ready to get back into animation!

Yesterday we had our first day on the project and it went pretty smoothly. Great environment and great people to work with. Right now I am just finishing up some shots from last semester. But after a while, I am going to be in charge of a team of my own. I'll be supervising some animation on cycles of walking, clapping, ect. for the crowd. I am super excited and glad to know my teacher has this much faith in me to lead them.

Well, thats all for now. I'll be back!