Friday, October 29, 2010

Back with a Movie Review

Hey everybody! Sorry I have been away for sooooo long. School has me running everywhere, but I love it all the same.

Last weekend, I was finally able to watch "Despicable Me". I know its been out for awhile, but I never got a chance to see it. But now I have seen it and all is right in the world. I give it a 4 star out of 5. The story was great, but it did not have as much out of this world effects or rendering and whatnot. Basically, not as much eye candy for us animators. But as for the story, it was fantastic. It had its funny moments, action sequences, and by the end, you feel really warm and fuzzy inside. I can't ask for more in a story. Plus, the animation was spot on. The character design was pretty good too. I loved the minions. I think everybody does. Good job Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment.

So, in conclusion, I say, if you get the chance, go watch it. This is one I would like to own.